Friday, August 5, 2011

(All meat) Goyza made at home....

Yes, I know we can get this frozen, open the pack and just fry it. But its no good unless you get the very best. For this, I started very much from scratch. Sometimes it is nice to make something.
The skin was commercial though. 

Chopping up meat by hand. We used pork neck which has a good balance of fat and meat.

Joyce consented to adding some spring onion: 

Chopping up some spring onion

Into a bowl.....
The seasonings, the fillings and the skin (frozen, from the supermart)

Folding things  up - trying to make some nice pleats

The assembly line

One was made by me, the other by Joyce...

On to a hot frying pan.... sizzle! 

All of them in the pan

Turning to brown the sides as well

Now the other side
Add in some water and cover.....

In the meantime, I needed some ginger for the dip.....

Freshly harvested, right at home! 

It did look nicer after a wash..... 

Cutting it up......

Fortunately there was some vinegar on hand

And ready to eat.........

It was nice.....better than frozen. 


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